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Advice from a Natural Healthcare Consultant

Updated: Jun 17, 2019

As the song says. Emotions make you cry sometimes. As this is true. We as humans don't realize when emotions change our lives and how quickly it changes. Emotions are as harmful as words. Emotions are like a thermostat. If you are feeling good the setting is comfortable if you feel bad the setting is to high or to low depending on your level and degree of comfort.

Many different situations in my life cause me to not notice when my emotions were unbalanced. As a result I took it to the next thought and did any and everything I was big and bad enough to do. This cause a domino effect of life changes in my life. Many of these changes served as a coping mechanism for things that happen in my past. When in the situation you see all good in it. After, you see how much time you wasted in simple unimportant task that didn't serve as anything but time fillers for the life you really were searching for.

Accidentally we sometimes fall upon an experience that emotionally changes the path and increases the momentum of what our heart desires. My heart sings out for peace and tranquility. For my life to increase in vibration for a free and more powerful journey. My quest is to help each person I meet to build to higher heights of stability and love.

I fail the test but I learn the lesson in my situations. The test was to see if I could take as much as I give and I failed. Out of all the crap I gave I couldn't take it once the tables turn on me. It was a surprise to me, I was human! I say this as a funny but I truly believed that I could take anything life pushed at me until depression came. I didn't know love. I wasn't willing to go through the fire and I was pushed and had no choice.

Not wanted to be a slave to my emotions I had to find a great way to control them. So after blasting off with hatred to everyone close to me. I had to "checked myself before I wrecked myself." In this life we have to snap back quickly or be caught in a world wind of continuous downward spiraling of events toward the never return pit of depression.

The routine of essential oils, Pink Himalayan salts, a journal and water saved my life.

The choices I choose were the cause my sadness and/or happiness. I am the Arthur of my own misery or blissfulness. I choose to be the Arthur of my own Success & Bliss!


5 things that broke my emotions in check

1- Cleaned my room from top to bottom

2- Lit Candles and to a 30 min soak in silence every day for 7 days straight

3- Drank water as my main source of beverage

4- Made me laugh- Played happy music and watch funny videos

5- Walk outside 15 mins everyday at the same time alone for 7 days 📷ReplyForward

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